09. Mai 2019 18:00
Palazzo Mora – European Cultural Centre

„Once upon a time … Unkel goes to Venice …“
18:30 Introduction Frank Schablewski

58. Biennale di Venezia 2019
Palazzo Mora, Strada Nova, 3659, 30121 Venezia Italien

The exhibition “Personal Structures – Identities” of the European Cultural Center takes place in Palazzo Mora. I was invited to design the facade of the GAA Foundation and parts of the building as part of the 58th Biennale with an installation.

Like a fairy tale, I am telling this story that started in the wild, this time at a central square, which shouts for interaction with both the environment and the viewer and demands a closer look and, above all, action!

Personal Structure attaches great importance to these personal stories. I absolutely want to continue telling this story in Venice. The imminent demise of an incredibly beautiful building substance is the topic. This results in parallels with Unkel on the Rhine. There is no difference. Each and every one of us bears the same responsibility for the future!