Installation „Es war einmal Part V…..“ in Leutesdorf Kulturpfad

©Fotos: Frank Homann

Sculpture: wire on metal, entitled “Once upon a time” on the Art and Culture Trail (Kulturpfad) in Leutesdorf

“The view of the Rhine is awesome. Anyone who wants can combine art with a hike in a beautiful cultural landscape “

In 2014, the Leutesdorfer Kunst- und Kulturweg was opened on a 700 meter long section of the Rheinsteig in the Leutesdorfer Weinbergen. Eight local artists are already putting their works on permanent loan there. The beginning of the art and culture path Leutesdorf is located in the “Schöne Aussicht” (gate Alzenach).

Excerpt from: Press report:Rheinzeitung vom 25. April 2018